Individuals who request inpatient privileges in the Department of Medicine may be either hospitalists or primary care physicians who request to attend their patients while in the hospital. Must meet 2 requirements.

Requirement 1 – Experience and Competency – any one of the following 1 through 5

  1. Has just completed Internal Medicine Residency or Fellowship training within 3 years
  2. Hospitalist applicant – has worked as a full-time or exclusive hospitalist in appropriate equivalent setting within 3 years of applying.
  3. PCP Applicant – has been taking care of outpatients from their practice while in hospital currently, and can provide patient care volumes and other qualitative and quantitative data to document current competency.
  4. Transitioning to hospitalist from certain medical subspecialties in which they had exclusive or substantial inpatient care responsibilities – including Cardiology, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Nephrology.
  5. For individuals who do not meet criteria 1-4, expectation of having satisfactorily completed (within 1 year) a department-approved multi-day educational program specifically focused on hospital medicine. A prototype program has been identified – the Harvard Medical School Update in Hospital Medicine – which will be used as a guideline to evaluate other training programs for equivalency of program contents and breadth of education. Online versions of these programs may also be acceptable, pending department approval.
  6. Documented competency in ACLS, intubation, airway management and managing patients in the ICU for any applicants who will be expected to perform any of these functions as part of their responsibilities or employment.

Requirement 2 – Department and System Policies and Practices – all of the following

  1. Demonstrated competency and proficiency in EHR
  2. Training, education and certification in Department policies, procedures, guidelines and best practices, to include: familiarity with website, Quality Review processes, and meeting expectations; confirmation of expectation to use STM; awareness of various data that are measured including LOS, mortality rates and other pertinent information.
  3. Satisfactory completion of educational program with respect to hospital programs of relevance such as CDI queries, multidisciplinary rounds (MDR), Observation and Admission criteria, core measures, HCAPS, Case Management collaboration, coding and documentation, sepsis program, and any other projects or programs that are considered important core knowledge to have as a hospitalist or PCP caring for inpatients.
  4. Review and acknowledgement of Department document “Guidelines and expectations of hospitalists” understanding that physician practices consistent with all items identified therein